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Dave Smith[_1_] Dave Smith[_1_] is offline
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Default Southern Creamy Butter Beans

On 2017-01-02 6:48 AM, Cindy Hamilton wrote:
> On Sunday, January 1, 2017 at 6:13:45 PM UTC-5, Jill McQuown wrote:
>> On 1/1/2017 2:48 PM, Brooklyn1 wrote:
>>> On Sun, 1 Jan 2017 13:28:30 -0500, jmcquown >
>>> wrote:
>>>> On 12/31/2016 12:20 PM, Brooklyn1 wrote:
>>>>> Gary wrote:
>>>>>> Bruce wrote:
>>>>>>> Cindy Hamilton wrote:
>>>>>>>> Bruce wrote:
>>>>>>>>> Hence my surprise that so many women voted for
>>>>>>>>> President P. Grabber, which tells us that more American women than we
>>>>>>>>> thought like to be grabbed by the pussy.
>>>>> If you got out more you'd realize how many women consider it a
>>>>> compliment *for the man they're with+ to fondle their genitals... beats
>>>>> the heck out of lonely Saturday nights with their dildo and case of
>>>>> Energizer Bunnies.
>>>> Excuse me?! Don't talk as if you know or have known all women. We do
>>>> not necessarily need a man or a dildo to be happy.
>>>> I cite a situation (I've mentioned it before) in which a former Dallas
>>>> Cowboy football player (Charlie Waters) wandered into the Memphis area.
>>>> (I think he had become an orthodontist or some such thing living in
>>>> Mississippi at the time.) He encountered me in my neighborhood pub in
>>>> Tennessee while I was having an after work drink with some girlfriends.
>>>> He had a superbowl ring and thought he was hot shit. He walked up,
>>>> turned my chair around and pulled me towards his crotch. Excuse me?!
>>>> Sorry, that's NOT the way to approach a woman and who gives a **** if
>>>> you played football? A male friend of mine walked over, tapped him on
>>>> the shoulder and said, "You're messing with the wrong woman." He
>>>> certainly was.
>>>> Women do NOT enjoy being groped in public by strange men or even rich
>>>> men. Not unless they are hookers. Most women are not hookers.
>>>> Jill
>>> You miss the point and twist the facts, I didn't say by strange men, I
>>> said by "the man they are with".

>> And you said "you'd realize how many women consider it a
>> >>> compliment *for the man they're with+ to fondle their genitals".

>> Sorry, even if you're on a date with someone most women do NOT expect
>> the guy to fondle their genitals nor do they consider it a "compliment".
>> It's rude and crude.

> Even my husband doesn't just grab me. He makes eye contact to see if
> I want to be grabbed.

How can he make eye contact when he comes up behind you to grab? If I
had a wife who didn't enjoy or even tolerate walk by grabs I probably
would not still be married.