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Dave Smith[_1_] Dave Smith[_1_] is offline
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Default Dining table that's set with china - but not meant to be used?

On 2017-01-02 11:06 AM, jmcquown wrote:
> On 1/2/2017 10:30 AM, Nancy Young wrote:
>> On 1/2/2017 7:35 AM, wrote:
>>> I saw that on a nature programme but also read about it at the time,
>>> maybe late 1960s. I did google just now but it seems centred on good
>>> 'hog hunting by helicopter' in Texas. I agree with you power lines
>>> can be dangerous to eagles (and some other birds) unfortunately the
>>> eagles often build their nests on power poles here.

>> It wouldn't surprise me that there would be a moron hunting eagles
>> illegally and from a helicopter, no less, but it's quite a leap to
>> think they were hunted to the brink of extinction that way. The
>> DDT problem is well known and well publicized, as well.
>> nancy

> Yes, it was likely DDT and other long-banned pesticides that endangered
> them. At any rate, only a very *rich* moron could afford to hunt from a
> helicopter. How many people do you know could afford to rent (much less
> own) a helicopter?

Bald eagles were a protected species long before the advent of
helicopters. They are indeed very expensive to buy and to operate.
Obviously you cannot fly one and shoot at the same time so you would
have to have someone piloting the helicopter. I cannot imagine there
would be many qualified pilots or helicopter owners who would risk their
licences and their aircraft to poach eagles, and poaching often leads to
seizure of vehicles and equipment used.

Then there are the issues of the shooting dynamics. Shot is only
effective up to about 40 yards. I don't know how one could expect to
get within that range. I don't know how much you would have to
compensate for the prop wash.

>Then again, there are (or were) some rich nuts who
> go on organized hunting retreats on private land so they can kill
> imported, endangered trophy animals. Grrrrrrr. Hopefully that's not
> still going on.

That could be solved with appropriate regulations and enforcement
regarding the importation and keeping of exotic animals.

Perhaps lucretia is confused with the shooting of varmints from
helicopters. There are videos of people shooting wild hogs and coyotes.
That can't happen up here because you cannot carry loaded weapons in a
vehicle or fire from a vehicle.