On 1/2/2017 1:08 PM, cshenk wrote:
> Brooklyn1 wrote in rec.food.cooking:
>> jmcquown wrote:
>>> cshenk wrote:
>>>> jmcquown wrote:
>>>>> I'm marinating one of the lamb chops, which is about 1" thick and
>> has >>> very little bone, in a little olive oil with white wine
>> vinegar, >>> crushed garlic, black pepper and dried crushed rosemary.
>> I'll be pan >>> frying it (sear to brown well then turn down the
>> heat) and cooking it >>> to medium rare. I'll make some couscous to
>> go with it. I haven't >>> decided yet whether the vegetable will be
>> steamed broccoli or baby >>> peas.
>>>>> Got anything planned for dinner tonight?
>>>>> Jill
>>>> Try getting Rogan Josh for the lamb. It's a perfect mix. I do it
>> in a >> brown sauce as a curry (but it's not a hot curry). 1/2 TB
>> per cup of >> brown works for me.
>>> If I wanted something like Rogan Josh I'd have to order the
>>> seasoning online. I'm using ingredients I already have on hand,
>>> thanks anyway. Are YOU cooking anything tonight?
>>> Jill
>> Her usual "H & E" (Hate & Envy) with bitter herbs.
> What the heck brought that on? Jill and I were just discussing lamb
> ecipes and she went with something she has handy now as it's ready to
> cook!
> We then have a nice exchange on what we cooked yesterday.
I even posted a plated pic. Heh.
>> Don't you just love how Little Itch answers a simple question by
>> telling others what to do? You're fortunate she hasn't fantasized how
>> horribly you live your life... but just wait.
> Umm, she dint tell me what to do. She asked what I was making next.
> Rest of your drivel deleted.
> Carol
I think you got it backwards. He was suggesting you told *me* what to
do with the lamb chop by saying I should make Rogan Josh. I did already
tell you how I had the ingredients and had prepped it and later cooked
it. Still, no reason for him to go off on a tangent.