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Gary Gary is offline
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Default Happy New Year!!!

jmcquown wrote:
> LOL The Shining was a work of fiction by Stephen King. It *is* based
> on an actual hotel in Colorado called 'The Stanley'. He changed the
> name to 'The Overlook' in the book and subsequent movie. The film was
> not one of Mr. Kings "shining moments" (pardon the pun!). His books are
> so long they don't often translate well to film.

I first read the book and it was pretty creepy/scary. I lived alone and
reading it late at night, I'd turn on ALL lights just to go to the
bathroom. heheh

The movie though (with Jack Nicholson) was a joke. Not scary and
a big letdown version. Most movies made from books are though. Not
enough time to follow the book very well.

If you liked Stephen King books, check out books by Dean Koontz.
Much scarier. One review said he's like SK grown up.

I don't read any of those anymore but I did for a while years ago.

PS - the original book, Amityville Horror, was also pretty scary
but not the movies.