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Gary Gary is offline
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Default Happy New Year!!!

rosie wrote:
> Two of Kings books that translated great to film were... Stand By Me, and of course The Shawshank Redemption.. This in my opinion is one of the best movies ever made.

Huh. I never knew he wrote those. Shawshank Redemption is a good movie
but I never would
have guessed that SK wrote.

I was a big fan of his books back over 30 years ago. Haven't kept up
what he's done since then. One of my daughter's babysitters used to
live near
him in Maine....said his house looked creepy like a haunted house.

I saw him give a talk here at the library about 35 years ago. He had
a cold but he said, "I shouldn't be here and I should be in bed,
but no worries, I'm taking plenty of vitaman B." Then he opened
up his sports coat and both sides had 3 pockets lined with
beer cans. LOL.

I thought that was funny but reading a few days later in the newspaper,
lots of people got offended by that joke, thinking it was very
inappropriate. sigh.