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Leonard Blaisdell[_2_] Leonard Blaisdell[_2_] is offline
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Posts: 1,961
Default Southern Creamy Butter Beans

In article >, Ophelia
> wrote:

> "jmcquown" wrote in message news

> > I will use foul language if I get angry enough.

<F word with asterisks>

> That's the word ...

Ladies! Ladies! I admit to knowing the bad word since I hit the
playground, but I only used it once talking to my father. The only
dirty phrase he ever used when furious was "son of a bitching *******".
That's it. He never even broke the phrase apart. But knowing the big
word, I used it once within his earshot at about fourteen. As I stood
there dumbfounded and mortified, he suggested I increase my vocabulary.
I did that, but there are special circumstances where only one word
works. I see all the components of his worst phrase on commercial TV
nowadays. I have to go to cable to hear most of mine.
Since the word slides so easily off the tongue, I'm surprised people
don't name their dog with it. That mutt would think it was popular
wherever it went.
