Thread: herbs & spice
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Dave Smith[_1_] Dave Smith[_1_] is offline
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Default herbs & spice

On 2017-01-05 9:59 AM, Gary wrote:
> I finally made a run to the nearby health food store yesterday
> where they sell bulk herbs and spices at a good price.
> I was out of a few things and running low on others.
> It's only 1/4 mile away so I just walked it for some exercise.
> Great prices there and the stuff is very fresh. It's replaced
> constantly. Very low cost too vs the stale grocery store spices.
> I got 10 different herbs and spices. Got tons of it and it
> was only $12. Note, their price per pound is about 1/5
> of the grocery store prices, like McCormick, etc.

My experience with the Bulk Barn is that it is usually at least that
much cheaper than the containers at grocery stores, though I can by
larger containers of pepper for less than the bulk stuff. Most other
things are much cheaper. One time I went there for ground ginger. A
small bottle of the stuff was IIRC $3.99 in the grocery store. I got
enough to more than fill one of those bottles for 24 cents. I use the
small stainless spice tins from Lee Valley, which hold the equivalent of
3-4 bottles of herbs and spices, and I can refill most of those for
under $1 apiece, as opposed to $2-4 that it would cost for one bottle.

> Anyway, once home, I just set the bag on my kitchen counter.
> Came back into the kitchen a few minutes later and it had
> a very strong smell of fresh dried herbs/spice.
> Now to transfer it all from the little plastic bags into
> old spice jars that I have.
> Note to Carol: you should check this place out sometime.
> It might be better than ordering spices/herbs.
> It's local, replaced very often, and fresh as can be.