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jmcquown[_2_] jmcquown[_2_] is offline
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Default Happy New Year!!!

On 1/3/2017 4:39 PM, Ophelia wrote:
> "jmcquown" wrote in message news >

> There was a haunted church in downtown Memphis, too. I heard the chimes
> in the clock tower, only to be told by the caretaker (docent?) "There
> haven't been chimes in that clock in 30 years." Allegedly the church
> was haunted by a former caretaker/docent. One of his jobs was to make
> sure the clock was running. (The church was built in the 1800's.)
> A friend and I were downtown early in the morning. I was dropping off a
> computer monitor at the church. There had been a call out on the radio
> for anyone who might have a spare monitor or computer equipment... the
> church was setting up a school for homeless children.
> We got there around 9:30AM. When my friend and I heard the chimes we
> looked up at the clock face. The hands read 1:05. We both commented
> oh, that's not the right time.
> The new caretakers told us that's what time the former caretaker died.
> (That could be a tall tale, no way to prove anything.) He said he and
> his wife sometimes heard him sweeping down the stone steps from the
> upper gallery.
> All I know is it was creepy. The man carried the monitor I'd brought
> inside and his wife showed us the lovely holiday baskets they'd made for
> the children. It was very nice. But also a bit creepy. A clock that
> chimes with no works? With the hands not on the hour?
> Sadly, the church burned to the ground in 2006. I don't recall if any
> cause was ever determined although I think they did rule out arson.
> Jill
> ===
> Good grief You must be psychic girl!!!

I guess the female friend who went with me must have been psychic, too!
She also heard the clock chime. We both noted the incorrect time on
the clock face. So no, it wasn't some delusion due to a misguided
religious belief, as graham suggests. It actually happened. Of course
it could have been a prank pulled by the [then] caretaker. I can't
figure out why he would do that, though. He and his wife had no idea I
was going to drop by any sort of donation for the school. I had no
prior affiliation with the church. <shrug>
