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Gary Gary is offline
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Default PUNGENT after-taste (canned spaghetti or ravioli)

Ed Pawlowski wrote:
> On 1/6/2017 7:28 AM, wrote:
> > What is that pungent after-taste that stays with you once you prepare and have a can of spaghetti or ravioli?
> >

> Don't remember. It has been over 50 years since I had a taste of that
> horrid stuff. Make pasta with a jarred sauce if you want easy and
> acceptable taste.

I haven't eaten canned spaghetti in about 40 years. I did eat it
occasionally in my early twenties though when I just wanted a quick
filler and didn't worry about taste. I do remember though that it's
better eaten cold right out of the can. If you heat it up, it gets too
soupy (watery).

Canned ravioli, I'll buy on sale sometimes when hurricane season is
approaching. Just for backup food that needs no refrigeration or even
heat to eat.

I've never noticed any "pungent after-taste" though. You either like the
canned stuff or you don't.

IMO, canned meals are good for emergency situations (like no power). I
rarely buy any canned *meals* these days except for that.