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Happy New Year!!!
jmcquown wrote:
> On 1/3/2017 4:39 PM, Ophelia wrote:
>> Good grief You must be psychic girl!!!
> I guess the female friend who went with me must have been psychic, too!
> She also heard the clock chime. We both noted the incorrect time on
> the clock face. So no, it wasn't some delusion due to a misguided
> religious belief, as graham suggests. It actually happened. Of course
> it could have been a prank pulled by the [then] caretaker. I can't
> figure out why he would do that, though. He and his wife had no idea I
> was going to drop by any sort of donation for the school. I had no
> prior affiliation with the church. <shrug>
> Jill
people are funny!