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Ophelia[_14_] Ophelia[_14_] is offline
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Default PUNGENT after-taste (canned spaghetti or ravioli)

"Brooklyn1" wrote in message

"l not -l" wrote:
>bruce2bowser wrote:
>> What is that pungent after-taste that stays with you once you prepare and
>> have a can of spaghetti or ravioli?

Chemically that's known as TIAD.

>Tin leached from the can lining - maybe? Acidic contents, such as
>tomato-ish substance, can react with tin.

There's no tin (Sn) in the 'tin can' (it's steel or aluminum), same as
there's no tin in tin foil, it's aluminum foil (I hear some say
"aluminum tin foil"). My theory is that many people began writing tin
foil because they didn't know how to spell aluminum. lol


Oh! I thought it was spelled aluminum in US?? You are the first person I
have seen using 'aluminium'.
