On Fri, 6 Jan 2017 18:22:52 -0500, Nancy Young
> wrote:
>I pretty much keep to myself but if someone talks to me while
>I'm out somewhere, I'll have a conversation. Funny the things
>people will come out with once in a while.
>I have some drama going on right now that involves a lot of running
>around and stress. So we were coming back home after a long day,
>no food, let's stop and have dinner.
>$5 appetizers, yes, please. We got potstickers and flatbread with
>arugula and some kind of cheese. We ordered dinner, too.
>I mean, if that's alright with everyone. Heh.
>The appetizers were a lot. Then came dinner. A guy a few stools
>down slid over to make room for some new arrivals (very considerate!),
>gets comfortable and pipes up
>You people eat a LOT! You got two appetizers and now dinner!
>I had to laugh. Who says that? Yeah, well, that's why this is
>coming home with us. But, hey, thanks for making me feel weird
>about my order.
>And nice to know the other patrons are keeping tabs.
pipe up
intransitive verb
: speak up
<don't worry, he'll pipe up if he feels he's being overlooked>