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Nancy Young[_8_] Nancy Young[_8_] is offline
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Default Stranger chit chat

On 1/7/2017 6:59 AM, Ophelia wrote:
> "Nancy Young" wrote in message ...

>> Actually, the funny thing is that happened more in the city. Here
>> in the burbs, it happens but not so much. And I wasn't offended.
>> He wasn't being mean, just one of those people who say what's on
>> their mind.

> I don't agree. If one can't say something nice one shouldn't say
> anything at all to a stranger!

Like Dave, I've just known people like that. My sil's father is
the same. No filter. Not a mean bone in his body but sometimes
he says things you wish he would have kept to himself.

I genuinely didn't take offense, I just thought it was a funny
story to tell. Okay, mildly amusing.

I was surprised when I saw the appetizers, at some point they
have decided to make them larger servings. It was a lot and we
polished them off. We hadn't eaten all day and were famished.
I'm not so delicate that I care if some random guy thinks I
eat too much. He probably ate a lot more than I did that day.
