Thread: Lamb Leg Chops
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Default Lamb Leg Chops

On Sun, 08 Jan 2017 06:32:26 +1100, Jeßus > wrote:

> I raise sheep as you probably know by now, so that's where my
> lamb-mutton (as opposed to purely 'lamb') comes from. I never butcher
> the legs and leave them whole - they're too big - usually I'll cut one
> or two pieces for roasts and make chops from the rest. I've heard them
> being called steaks more often than chops.

I hear you. When my mother raised sheep, she'd have one butchered to
my specifications, so I opted for a couple of leg steaks, boneless
rolled roasts instead of bone in leg, and frenched racks. I could buy
lamb steaks in the grocery stores back then too.

Avoid cutting yourself when slicing vegetables by getting someone else to hold them.