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Dave Smith[_1_] Dave Smith[_1_] is offline
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Default Stranger chit chat

On 2017-01-07 12:53 PM, Ed Pawlowski wrote:
> On 1/7/2017 12:46 PM, Dave Smith wrote:
>> There have been a lot of changes in all the liquor regulations over the
>> last 40 years. No more men's parlors and separate ladies and escorts
>> rooms. We now have what we used to call New York style bars where you
>> can go in for a drink and not have to spend an equal amount on food.
>> Drinking and driving laws are much stricter and penalties much higher.
>> People serving alcohol have to take a training course and be certified
>> so they know some of the laws and liabilities they face. They cannot
>> serve anyone who is already intoxicated and cannot serve people enough
>> to become intoxicated.

> There was a case a couple of years ago where the bartender was being
> sued for liability. He says he only sold the guy (a regular) two drinks
> and he looked sober. Turns out, he only had two drinks in each of the
> other four bars too and being a habitual drinker did not appear drunk or
> impaired even though he was.

We had a worse case than that. A woman sued her employer over a car
crash she had after leaving a company Christmas party. Apparently she
had been to the party and had only one glass of wine. They offered her a
ride home, offered to call a taxi for her. She declined the offer. She
had not consumed enough not to be able to driver, and then drove herself
to bar and proceeded to drink a lot more. She crashed on the way home.
She ended up with a $million plus settlement reduced to $300,000 because
she was found 75% liable.

Personally, I think that sucks the big one because there was no
evidence that she was impaired when she left the party. It was the
drinks she had at the bar that got her intoxicated.