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  #19 (permalink)   Report Post  
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> Goomba38 writes:
>Charles Gifford wrote:
> Most of the people who made this
>> group a great place for those interested in cooking have left. It is now
>> pretty much a social club. There are still a few great food people here,

>> they are heard less and less. Those posters who have only been here for 2

>> 3 years or so will not understand what I am talking about. Most who have
>> been here for many years will.

>Well.. here's my attitude. If everyone stayed and kept
>posting, maybe it would crowd out and discourage the goobers?

Um, let's not unwittingly automatically raise the level of the departed to
sainthood... the fact that they voluntarily departed should scream volumes
about the profundity of their worthwhileness... once one traverses the mootness
of his voluminous verbiage one discovers that Shankar essentially epitimizes a
*kvetch*... better than 90% of his posts focused primarily on
complaining/criticising/kvetching on most everyone else... the one thing he
never learned about food science was to keep his eyes on his own plate, albiet
venerably empty.

---= Move UNITED NATIONS To Paris =---
"Life would be devoid of all meaning were it without tribulation."