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Dave Smith[_1_] Dave Smith[_1_] is offline
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Default Using a Induction hot plate as a slow cooker

On 2017-01-09 10:07 AM, Gary wrote:
> Nancy2 wrote:
>> Gary, you are welcome to it. ;-))
>> it seems to me that it is one of those formerlyreally ignored cuts of meat, or cheap ones,
>> like short ribs, that seem to have become a fad and risen to the top of menus on a chef's
>> whim, and nobody wants to be the last to exalt its virtues.....
>> N.

> You render out much of the fat. I'm talking about taste buds here and
> not
> health. Eat that wonderful stuff once in awhile, just don't eat it
> often. That's the bottom line with food.
> No matter what you do, you *will* die.

There is not a heck of a lot of fat in beef short ribs. It is a tough
meat that needs to be braised to develop flavour and to make them
tender. We used to eat them frequently when we were first married. They
were really cheap, and my wife is the braising queen. I keep an eye out
for them on sale prices because I am not interested in paying almost as
much for steak and having to spend a lot on other ingredients and to go
to all that effort to cook them.