Thread: OT - MY PILLOW
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Cheri[_3_] Cheri[_3_] is offline
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Default OT - MY PILLOW

"Brooklyn1" > wrote in message
> Janet wrote:
>>>Cheri wrote:
>>> >Brooklyn1 wrote:
>>> >
>>> >> Anyone bought My Pillow... comments?
>>> >>
>>> > I love mine, I have the large size and it is very comfortable. I
>>> > believe
>>> > it helps *me* with my neck problems, dh likes his as well, but doesn't
>>> > think it's much better than other pillows. YMMV, but I have never been
>>> > sorry that I bought it.

> It's good to hear from someone who actually has and uses it rather
> than from people posting negative hearsay, thank you. I see their ads
> on TV constantly so never thought My Pillow could be purchased other
> than directly from them. My two pillows are very old and ready for
> the trash, but they are filled with some sort of dacron fiber that has
> held up well for some twenty years. For me it's important that
> pillows can be used for back support while sitting up in bed...
> eventually I fall asleep and slide down so my head is on the
> pillows... I've tried one pillow but I really need two.

Honestly, I haven't tried it that way so don't know about back support when
reading. I use my other pillows when I'm reading so that I can be propped up
higher and supported, and use the My Pillow for sleeping. I don't know this
for a fact, but have heard that the My Pillows purchased in stores for less
money are not the same quality even though they are the My Pillow brand, but
that might be some kind of marketing ploy. I ordered mine from the company
site which asks you how you sleep, side, back, combination etc. to make sure
you choose the one best for you. They do come with a money back guarantee so
it might be best to try it and see if they work for you, if not...return
