Thread: Manchester
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Gary Gary is offline
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Default Manchester

Ophelia wrote:
> Tell you what Gary, you go live in Manchester as I did for 9 months and then
> come back and discuss it.

I'll get back to you in 9 months then. heheh

> OK? My 'limited' experience is still one hell of a lot longer than yours.

Yes, you are correct. So you evidently ran into many mean people in
Manchester. Didn't you meet some very nice people too? I would never
label a town or city bad because of a few people. There are good and bad
everywhere you go. Every neighborhood always seems to have at least one
trouble maker.
Even every single person has their good and bad sides.

> Let me ask a question. Is there anyone you know that you really, really
> dislike?

Nope. I concentrate on the good that all people have. If someone is not
nice, knowing their history often explains why they are that way. I
worked with an arrogant, unfriendly fellow for 2.5 years. It wasn't fun
at all for me but I countered his rude comments by either saying nothing
and just dealing with his good side. I never fought him (verbally). We
ended up becoming good friends. I won in the end.

Holding a grudge against someone won't affect them in the least. It only
eats at you.

"Be excellent to one another"

If someone wants to argue with me for some dumb reason, I'll just walk
away. I don't need to get in the last word. It's not "running away" it's
"walking away" from some worthless conflict.