New names on rfc
sf wrote:
> On Mon, 24 Nov 2003 16:08:04 -0600, Becca
> > wrote:
>> > And Moosie's *trolls* are better than the most other folks' *posts*.... :-)
>> >
>> > Best
>> > Greg
>> We could argue over which one of his posts was the best. My favorite,
>> was about chicken. He said that one drumstick was always more tender
>> than the other one. I think that's how it went, but it was a long
>> time ago.
> Hey, that isn't a troll - it's true.
Exactly. Chickens are right- and left-handed just like people. The
dominant side is always more muscular. So a right-handed chicken will
always have a more tender left leg. It's the ambidextrous ones that'll
throw you every time.