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Jeßus[_61_] Jeßus[_61_] is offline
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Posts: 249
Default Refreshing Beverages

On Tue, 10 Jan 2017 18:28:43 -0500, jmcquown >

>In a recent thread drift someone mentioned milk and referred to it as a
>refreshing beverage. I am one of the (apparently few) adults who find
>milk to be refreshing. It does, however, have to be *very* cold.
>I drink ice water all day long. I have a glass of ice water next to my
>bed when I go to sleep in case I get thirsty.
>I do not like soda pop, diet or otherwise. I do like some fruit juices,
>cranberry juice in particular. Apple juice is nice on occasion. So is
>pineapple juice. I find orange juice to be too acidic.
>I drink white wine (but not as much as some would have you believe) and
>I don't really consider it "refreshing".
>So, what's your refreshing beverage of choice?

Refreshing, hmm. I suppose that would be a good beer, a cup of tea, or
just plain old water.

I've been making lots of smoothies since it's warmed up here, which
usually consists of berries, Greek yoghurt and almond milk (sometimes
macadamia or cashew milk). I guess that could be called refreshing on
a hot day.