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Jeßus[_61_] Jeßus[_61_] is offline
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Posts: 249
Default Stranger chit chat

On Wed, 11 Jan 2017 15:11:13 -0500, Dave Smith
> wrote:

>On 2017-01-11 11:19 AM, Gary wrote:
>> Dave Smith wrote:
>>> On 2017-01-11 10:42 AM, Gary wrote:
>>>> Maybe you should mind your own business and go stake out a handicap
>>>> parking space.
>>>> Or go pick up trash along the road then go dump it out in the
>>>> appropriate fast food parking lot.
>>> I see. You don't like to have your childishness pointed out so you turn
>>> around and reply with something even more childish.

>> Of course not. Nobody wants that pointed out.

>That's a ripe one Gary. I made pretty good money in my job and was able
>to retire with a good pension at 53 and am living very comfortable.
>You, OTOH are an unskilled tradesman, living in a small apartment and
>you rely on your employer's truck for transportation and you are
>currently stuck at home because the battery is dead. You are hardly in a
>position to fabricate the details of my career in a childish attempt to
>belittle me.

I've been very tempted to say the same thing to Gary a few times now.