Thread: CoffeeMakers
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  #121 (permalink)   Report Post  
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In article >,
Richard Periut > wrote:

> I know what you are trying to say. But we use the terms interchangeably.
> It we were to dissect each word we here, we'll be spending useless time.
> Yeah, steam is water vapor that is condensing. OK, I'll agree to that.

Except that I did not say that, so I don't agree. Steam is water in its
gaseous phase; it is dry and invisible. Steam is not used to make

> Back to the meat of this post: what comes out of my machine is the
> condensation of water vapor and very hot water. It makes a killer
> expresso. RO water has been very good. I never noticed any difference
> when I used mineral water except for the fact that my heart is content
> in knowing that there are much less toxins in it.

What comes out of your machine is hot water. Not steam. If it's a white
cloud, it's liquid water, however hot it is. I'm not sure what you mean
by using "mineral water."

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