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Default Stranger chit chat

On Thu, 12 Jan 2017 11:30:46 -0500, Dave Smith
> wrote:

>On 2017-01-12 11:04 AM, wrote:
>> On Thu, 12 Jan 2017 09:40:59 -0500, Dave Smith

>>> Meanwhile, our prairie boarder area has become a common route for
>>> refugee claimants. Last week a couple of guys from Ghana were found by
>>> the side of the road after having walked across the border from the US
>>> and had almost frozen to death. Both were severely frostbitten. One
>>> lost all his fingers and a couple toes and may yet lose his arms, so
>>> there's one that be making immediate demands on our health care system
>>> and is pretty well guaranteed to be living on our welfare system for the
>>> rest of his life as a result of having sneaked across out border
>>> illegally.

>> I would like to see proof of that last statement, definitely not true
>> of either refugees or immigrants in NS. I wonder though why it
>> surprises me that you would say it.

>Are you serious? You know that refugee claimants are eligible for
>welfare and for health care. The guy lost all his fingers. He is going
>to have a hard time finding work. You know they won't turn him down now.
> What is so hard for you to understand about that?

That does not constitute proof. You assume he doesn't want to work.
He most likely does, he will maybe need some help to polish up his
speaking and be shown the ropes, but after that, most go on to work. I
am speaking as party to Metro Immigrant Settlement here in NS but
there were plenty of people condemning them too, despite the fact that
mostly they came here, paid $400,000+ for a house, then furnished it
here etc etc and were never a drain on us.

They covered items recently about two of the refugee families who came
to NS from Syria - one in Antigonish is successfully operating a
chocolate making business but still needs translation by one of the
kids! Another one I can think of set herself up as an online
translator and is doing very well, not in the least concerned that all
help ends around now for most of them. Did you even know that even a
refugee only receives help for one year??? So much for languishing
for all their life on our welfare system.

It's so simple for people to parrot the common misconceptions about
refugees and immigrants. We were immigrants fifty years ago and not
one of us, nor my kids, nor my grandchildren have received welfare. So
all those tax paying citizens were well worth having!!

With having helped Koreans, Chinese and Taiwanese people settle here I
know all too well the awful discrimination they receive as visible
minorities - it is most embarrassing at times. Not one that I have
assisted ever had welfare etc. They have all been great assets.