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PIGMART01 wrote:

>>>Glomis wrote:
>>>>Steve Calvin wrote:
>>>>How the the moose differ in taste from say pork ribs?
>>>Enormously! Moose would be much closer to beef in taste than pork of
>>>course, but really there's little in common between the taste of moose and
>>>beef either. The taste of moose depends on many factors. Of course it's a
>>>wild animal, so its diet is a big factor. Personally I hunt moose in areas
>>>where there isn't a lot of birch and other deciduous trees. A diet of this
>>>stuff gives a real 'gamey' taste to the meat. I do like the natural

>>>of the moose meat - but not so much that it overpowers the overall taste.
>>>Hunting in a non-deciduous area is not a difficulty for me, since I live in
>>>a Taiga region - mostly evergreens. Another factor is the 'condition of

>>>kill'. If the animal is run down very much then lactic acid will be

>>>in the muscle fibers and this will affect how tender the meat is - as well
>>>as the taste. For this reason I will not shoot a running animal, or shoot
>>>at one that I can't kill stone dead with a single shot. Lastly, the

>>>has to be gutted and cleaned immediately and hung for about three weeks in

>>>four degree Celsius controlled environment. Of course a good butcher is a
>>>must too!
>>>I have described the flavour of the meat as basically beef with a milder
>>>milky flavour but not quite to the extent of veal. But again there are so
>>>many factors that affect the flavour.
>>>I typically get some of steak, roast, stew meat, ground (or hamburger)

>>>and various types of sausage made from the animals I shoot. As well, I
>>>usually bottle about 50Kg of meat - great for camping trips and snowmobile
>>>trips etc.
>>>I know this was far more information that you probably wanted...but there
>>>you have it.

>>I you shoot only animals found in the pine or fir forests do they have a
>>piny taste to the meat?
>>We have ours prepared as you have outlined with the exception part of
>>the hunting party is a certified butcher. All that is done and placed
>>in a very freezer.
>>When I get around to using them I use a great marinade with natural
>>maple sugar and other spices. Delicious for ribs, steaks or roasts.
>>Usually throw in a cup of Bourbon.

> Yup, "Cheers!"... and with each successive cup yoose hunter's stories get
> better and bigger.
> Ahahahahahahahahahaha. . . .
> ---= BOYCOTT FRANCE (belgium) GERMANY--SPAIN =---
> ---= Move UNITED NATIONS To Paris =---
> *********
> "Life would be devoid of all meaning were it without tribulation."
> Sheldon
> ````````````

Obviously not a hunter and certainly not of the best extraction such as
French, Germanic or Spanish just the very best people on earth who
really know who and how to hunt.