notbob wrote:
> On 2017-01-13, ImStillMags > wrote:
> > fataback or salt pork is a cured product, like a type of bacon. Slice it up like bacon and fry it or cube it up and fry it .....gently.....till it has gotten some crispy on it. Use it to season a mess o greens, grease and all.
> >
> > pork belly is an uncured cut that the others here are talking about
> >
> > so which do you have....salt pork/fatback, or pork belly?
> It sez: Owen's Original Salt Pork. "Boldly Seasoned".
> It's about the size of pkg o' Oscar Mayer lunch meat. Looks like
> mostly fat with 1/4 of it having some lean meat.
In my opinion, salt pork is used for seasoning things and not for
cooking and eating outright. Not sure though...perhaps you could munch
on the little bit of meat?