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Ed Pawlowski Ed Pawlowski is offline
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Default Stranger chit chat

On 1/13/2017 7:09 AM, wrote:

>>>>>> he will be a burden on our system for the rest of his life if he is
>>>>>> allowed to stay.
>>>>> Do you know that he is a manual worker? Or is that just your
>>>>> assumption? He could be a white collar worker for all you know.
>>>> How silly of me not to realize that he could be a white collar worker
>>>> and not need hands and fingers to use pens, keyboard, file cabinets, to
>>>> dial a telephone. What type of office work are you suggesting for him?
>>> With a little imagination, there are many jobs he can do. Implant sign
>>> holders on the end of his arm stumps. One will say "stop" the other
>>> "slow" and he can do traffic control for highway workers.
>>> With those same implants he can be a flag holder for parades. No hands
>>> needed to say "Welcome to WalMart" No hands needed to be a hat model.
>>> Every four to six weeks he can be a teaching aid at barber school.
>>> Put light stick in to implants and he can park aircraft at the terminal.
>>> Just don't ask him to pump fuel though.

>> Ed, your sense of humor slays me.
>> Jill

> No empathy for the man who is losing his fingers, possibly hands to
> frostbite? He's a real person, not some joke.

Sounds like consequences of his own actions.