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Jeßus[_61_] Jeßus[_61_] is offline
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Posts: 249
Default McDonalds French Fries

On Thu, 19 Jan 2017 06:50:15 +1100, Bruce >

>On Thu, 19 Jan 2017 06:45:20 +1100, Jeßus > wrote:
>>On Wed, 18 Jan 2017 01:03:09 -0600, Sqwertz >
>>>On Wed, 18 Jan 2017 17:04:42 +1100, Jeßus wrote:
>>>> On Tue, 17 Jan 2017 15:30:12 -0800, The New Other Guy
>>>> > wrote:
>>>>>TOTALLY fake and scare-mongering.
>>>>Never ceases to amuse me how defensive some people can get over a
>>>>faceless corporation that has the gall to describe their business as
>>>>a 'restaurant' and sells complete shit to hapless consumers
>>>>I had a look at that link and it's technically correct (for the U.S
>>>>market at least) other than that MSG is still open for debate. What
>>>>aspect of it do you specifically object to? Is it REALITY that bothers
>>>That doesn't justify another entity launching baseless smear campaigns
>>>preying on gullible people with utter bullshit just to gain page hits
>>>and advertising $$$.
>>>I'm hardly a McDonalds sympathizer. I would defend Trump and Hillary
>>>when somebody tries to impress me with pure bullshit.

>>Whilst I am less than sympathetic to the mcdonalds corporation for a
>>variety of reasons (beyond the quality of their food), I understand
>>your POV. I was just pointing out that it was essentially correct in
>>spite of the emotive language and the defensiveness of people on
>>something like this just makes me laugh.
>>But yes... even their Australian 'fries' (much simpler basic
>>ingredients) do taste like crap and have no texture. Oil, potatoes and
>>salt is always going to be much better. Not that I'm a huge fan of
>>fries, as such.

>You forgot to add that his qualification "pure bullshit" was... pure
>bullshit. Strange that some people are always trying to please this

I'm not. I'm just stating my point of view on the subject.