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Gary Gary is offline
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Default PUNGENT after-taste (canned spaghetti or ravioli)

Brooklyn1 wrote:
> I like ketchup on a
> burger or mayo, even both, but not mustard.

I like a hamburger with "the works."
Back in the day, you could walk into any restaurant,
diner or lunch counter and ask for that and get:

- mayo
- ketchup
- mustard
- tomato
- onion
- lettuce

To get cheese, you ask for a cheeseburger with the works.
The restaurants, etc usually served fries and pickle slices
on the side.

I'll add some cooked mushrooms too if I have them here.
Onions - sometimes cooked and sometimes raw
I like them both ways...raw usually.
As for cheese - swiss is my favorite.

I'll be cooking 2 burgers today as a matter of fact.
One for lunch and heat up the other for dinner or lunch
