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Gary Gary is offline
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Default How forthcoming are you recipe ingredients

jmcquown wrote:
> I don't know about you, Gary, but I can certainly tell the difference
> between fish and... pretty much anything else.

OK, here's my "tricking someone about ingredients" story.

Back when I was married and our 2 girls were still very young, the
local stores were trying to promote shark meat. We bought a
package of it and wife cut it into bite-sized chunks, battered
and pan fried.

The little girls (age 4 and 7) loved chicken nuggets but didn't
like fish. So we told them it was chicken nuggets. They both
loved them and ate all. Everyone loved the dinner. heheh

Then right afterwards, I made the mistake of telling them what
they really ate. They both freaked out. They were both actually
horrified. wth?

Anyway, we never cooked shark meat again - evidently they didn't
sell much so it disappeared from the stores.

Here's the funny part - for the next 6 months or more, my wife
would cook them real chicken nuggets and they both refused to
even try them, thinking it was another trick. lol.