How forthcoming are you recipe ingredients
On Fri, 20 Jan 2017 20:58:37 -0500, Ed Pawlowski > wrote:
>On 1/20/2017 8:43 PM, Bruce wrote:
>>> I am surprise ferrets are allowed raisins. Dog are definitely not!
>> I never knew that, even though we once had a dog, but you're right:
>> "Even small amounts of grapes or raisins can prove to be fatally toxic
>> for a dog."
>> <>
>> I wonder if dogs instinctively know this.
>Not mine. She loved grapes and watermelon.
Mine loved grapes and strawberries and lived a long life for a little
dog despite her abusive beginnings until she was rescued. She also
craved mussels. When we went to the cottage she would go down on the
beach, haul mussels off the rocks from under the sea weed and bring
them back up and put them beside the bbq for David to cook for her.