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Gary Gary is offline
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Posts: 23,520
Default Clearing out the freezer.

> I don't know about where you buy alcohol,

Here in Virginia, beer and wine is sold in grocery stores
and any smaller convenience store.
Stronger stuff is sold in state-run ABC stores.

> but here in our liquor
> commissions there is all sorts of booze available in airline bottles,
> they are there for desperate alcoholics who can't afford a bottle, so
> I doubt you'll find there are no more!

Interesting theory of why they sell those small bottles. Bums buying
them because that's all they can afford. Probably true.
I never even thought of that. I assumed they were samples to try
before buying a larger bottle.

Anyway, the small bottles are always available there. I was just
wondering if that that one brand may or may not last.
That will depend on popularity.