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S Viemeister[_2_] S Viemeister[_2_] is offline
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Default Hello Fresh the results

On 1/25/2017 8:21 AM, Ed Pawlowski wrote:

> Debatable. Sure, you pay for convenience but it is cheaper than a meal
> at a restaurant like Applebees or similar. If the meal is something you
> would not usually make with ingredients you don't stock, you don't have
> to buy a $4 bottle of something for a 10 cent use. It is provided.
> Not something I'd consider doing every day, but I think a box a month
> will work out for us. We get convenience and meals I'd probably not
> make on my own. The cost for a dinner for two with a bottle of dine is
> $35. I can easuly hit that making a really nice dinner for the two of us.

My daughter finds it worthwhile. She works long hours, and travels a
lot. The box lets her have a good freshly-prepared meal at home, without
having to spend precious time shopping for the ingredients.