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dsi1[_20_] dsi1[_20_] is offline
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Posts: 740

On 1/26/2017 8:20 PM, Bruce wrote:
> On Thu, 26 Jan 2017 20:15:29 -1000, dsi1 > wrote:
>> On 1/26/2017 8:10 PM, Bruce wrote:
>>> On Thu, 26 Jan 2017 20:07:42 -1000, dsi1 > wrote:
>>>> On 1/26/2017 8:00 PM, Bruce wrote:
>>>>> Are we still talking about burnt rice?
>>>>> By the way, that was a very civilised post that I can reply to without
>>>>> reformatting it.
>>>> Civilized got nothing to do with it. I'm typing this using Thunderbird.
>>>> On my Chromebook or when I use a computer that's not my own, I have to
>>>> use Google Groups. What it comes down to is which computer I'm using at
>>>> the moment. I can post from any computer that has a web browser. If that
>>>> ain't civilized, I don't know what is.
>>> It may come across civilised from the sender's side, but less so from
>>> the recipient's side.

>> It depends on the recipient. I don't care how anybody posts.

> Me neither, as long as it doesn't look like a mess on my screen. Don't
> you see your own GG messages run of your screen in Thunderbird? Or
> pretend to reply to one in Thunderbird and see the mess.
>> My main concern is the message, not the medium. In the end, all ya'alls is going
>> to be using Google Groups - you just don't know it yet.

> I hope they improve it before then.

I'm not bothered by the unformatted quoting caused by Google Groups
posts. I don't sweat the small stuff. I consider this to be the most
petty of problems. Beats the heck out of me how yoose guys can live day
to day if such things bother you.