Thread: Date turnovers
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Alan Holbrook[_5_] Alan Holbrook[_5_] is offline
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Default Date turnovers

Nancy2 > wrote in news:2c52c1b6-347a-4908-8f15-

> Alan, can't you just use frozen puff pastry?
> N.

Certainly I could, but what I got hung up on was the use of the word
'turnover'. As Dave points out, many of the recipes use the term
'turnover' in the description but produce a folded oatmeal cookie. To me,
a turnover has always been a triangular shaped piece of puff pastry with a
fruit filling. I supose that would work just fine with a date filling.

Serendipitous side event: while Googling my little heart out trying to
resolve my insecurity about what is a turnover, I ran across a recipe for
hamentashan, the traditional Hebrew treat that is a major part, at least to
kids, of Purim, the most joyous of Jewish holidays. Hamentashan are
triangular shaped cookies with fruit fillings that show through the cookie,
as pictured on
recipe.html. Haven't had them since I was a kid myself when Moses' wife
Zipporah gave me her recipe. A batch of those in now on my calendar.