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Ed Pawlowski Ed Pawlowski is offline
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Default Hello Fresh the results

On 1/28/2017 8:00 PM, cshenk wrote:
> Ed Pawlowski wrote in
>> On 1/28/2017 5:34 PM, cshenk wrote:
>>>> Very happy so far. We will probably do this once a month or so
>>>> just for the variety of the menu.
>>> I understand that you are happy and thats fine. You miss a point on
>>> 'being green' though as you are only thinking your personal end of
>>> shopping. The others are looking at the products shipped to the
>>> production site then compiled, and then reshipped to you.
>>> I don't mind you enjoying it, but the fire you get is from some
>>> trying to actually live a little closer to 'green' than what that
>>> sounds like. It may not be that far off, but it sounds far off.

>> I did not miss that at all. Take a look at the produce department at
>> your local supermarket. You can be "green" walking to it, but you
>> are certainly not green if you buy most things. Look at the
>> pineapples on sale the past week or two, the bananas, grapes,
>> watermelon, avocados, and a crap load of other stuff.
>> Is the beef grown in your town? Chicken farms? Do your neighbors
>> grow coffee beans? How about that imported ham that is so good.
>> Anyone thinking a walk to the grocery store is being any greener than
>> a prepackaged dinner delivered by UPS has their head up their ass.
>> If you want to be green, grow a garden and can all the veggies you
>> east year round. Which is closer on the east coast, wine from
>> California or France? Certainly not that Shiraz from Australia.
>> Should we eliminate all imported wine and liquor? Local moonshine
>> would not be better unless you have sugar cane growing locally.
>> Anyone is welcome to challenge the carbon footprint of it all, but
>> unless they post real facts and figures they are just guessing.
>> Also, what is shipped to me, so far, is zero waste. Take a look at
>> how much imported perishables are tossed at the supermarket. A lot pf
>> jet fuel and diesel fuel was burned to get it to end up in a dumpster
>> a few thousand miles from where it originated.

> Ed, enjoy your meal but don't pretend it is more 'green'. What you
> claim as shippage happened already to the site you purchased the meal
> from and then was doubled back to get to you.

I did enjoy the meal and will again on occasion.

I never said it was more green. I don't know where it stands, neither
do you or Bruce. To make allegation it is less green in pure conjecture.
I don't know what you mean by "double backed" to me. The produce was
shipped to the packer. NJ is closer to Florida and Mexico than I am, so
it would then be continued on to me, but without the additional loss.
All the packaging can be recycled.

Yesterday I made a 50 mile round trip to Wegman's to buy a few things
not available at any market closer. I've mentioned going there before
and no one ever said what a terrible carbon footprint it makes.

Let's review the FACTS we know:
1. I never said it was more green
2. I don't know how it compares to buying the same ingredients locally
3. Neither you or Bruce knows either
4. Sheldon thinks it is TIAD for people that can't cook.

Feel free to add to the list of thing we KNOW for sure.
Oh, I also had two pounds of Kona shipped to me directly from