Hello Fresh the results
On Sat, 28 Jan 2017 21:21:22 -0500, Brooklyn1
> wrote:
>On Sun, 29 Jan 2017 01:28:08 -0000, Janet > wrote:
>>In article >, cshenk1
>> Ed wrote
>>> > Very happy so far. We will probably do this once a month or so just
>>> > for the variety of the menu.
>>> I understand that you are happy and thats fine. You miss a point on
>>> 'being green' though as you are only thinking your personal end of
>>> shopping. The others are looking at the products shipped to the
>>> production site then compiled, and then reshipped to you.
>> How do you suppose raw food arrives at his local supermarket, or
>>yours? It's all shipped, so how would buying it there himself be any
>> Janet UK
>It's impossible to live totally green unless you're a Neanderthal
>living ten thousand years ago.
Nah, those people were lighting smoky fires in their caves, god knows
what that did to their lungs.