Hello Fresh the results
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Hello Fresh the results
> Brooklyn1 wrote:
> >It's impossible to live totally green unless you're a Neanderthal
> >living ten thousand years ago.
> Nah, those people were lighting smoky fires in their caves, god knows
> what that did to their lungs.
Well... they're all dead now so that tells you something.
BTW - anyone here ever read the old "Clan of the Cave Bear"
trilogy by Jean Auel?" (I think that's her name)
Back in the 80's, I heard an interview with her right before
her first book was released. I was hooked. She wanted it to
be as realistic as possible so she traveled north and spent
several years researching early man.
So anyway, she wrote fiction based on facts. Same as
James Michener did with his books. Both have/had a great talent
for story telling. Both great authors, imo.
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