On 2/3/2017 12:13 PM, Melba's Jammin' wrote:
> On 2017-01-30 17:12:41 +0000, jmcquown said:
>> I've heard many people here say they used to be able to break a carton
>> of eggs in half... back in the good old days.
Until yesterday I'd
>> never *seen* a half a carton of eggs.
>> Jill
> Glad you found them. I could buy them individually if it were my wont
> at my local food co-op. I'm lucky to be close to it.
Thanks, Barb. I bought them last Sunday; today is Friday and I still
haven't used a single egg from the half a dozen. I really don't use a
lot of eggs.
Of course it was later, after I got home, I realized I might want to
make a quiche this weekend which would require 3-4 eggs out of the
six... LOL