Fancy Restaurants
Gary wrote:
>Cindy Hamilton wrote:
>> Or we could go to a restaurant and pay $65 for a single meal for two.
>> It really is a no-brainer.
>Many here seem to have no concept of what's a good meal deal.
>I suppose I'm just too poor to understand this. oh well.
>For $65, I can eat quite nicely for 2 weeks.
>I like to cook and don't mind doing so.
>I also have no wish to be served/pampered for extra $$$$$$.
>I also have a decent amount of leftovers whenever I cook.
>It even bugs me when someone invites me out to a nice dinner.
>I can't help being annoyed at the high prices and I don't
>even have to pay. I would rather invite them to my house
>and cook the same meal for so much less.
>Sorry, I'm not criticizing (or at least it's not intended).
>Everyone is different and everyone is ok in their own world.
>I'm just constantly floored at how much people will pay for
>a meal. And the $65 for 2 people is actually good for a nice
>meal. The $200 or so meals for 2 really gags me. lol!
$65 for two at a steak house is what I call a Greazy Spoon price,
they're doing the equivalent of The Sizzler. $200 is closer to the
truth for two at a real steak house.
People who eat out at pricey restaurants typically order the easiest
foods/beverages to prepare at home and for 1/4 the cost. If I were to
eat out I'd much rather foods that are more difficult to prepare at
home, I'd rather a pizzaria or a good ice cream parlor... I'm not
about to order a steak no matter how renowned the restaurant... in
fact I'd rather a tube steak from the local deli for $1 than a $65
dollar porterhouse from McSnob's nine star steak emporium. My theory
is that the only reason people eat at pricey joints is so they can
boast about it to anyone who'd listen... and after paying all those
bucks they'll never admit the meal sucked, not even to themselves.
Last Summer I had some old friends over from out of town, I had a
picnic basket and ice chest all ready and we dined by the lake at the
town park and chatted from mid day until it got dark... I didn't even
cook anything, we dined on good hard sausages, cheezes, breads, fruit,
wine and beer... it was appreciated more than the finest restaurant...
I'm not in the least impressed by some pimple faced dork in a monkey
suit with a giant peppermill.