On Mon, 6 Feb 2017 09:53:38 -0800 (PST), Cindy Hamilton
> wrote:
>On Monday, February 6, 2017 at 11:10:47 AM UTC-5, Brooklyn1 wrote:
>> On Mon, 6 Feb 2017 03:16:05 -0800 (PST), Cindy Hamilton
>> > wrote:
>> >On Sunday, February 5, 2017 at 6:07:15 PM UTC-5, Brooklyn1 wrote:
>> >> Gary wrote:
>> >> >Cindy Hamilton wrote:
>> >> >>
>> >> >> Or we could go to a restaurant and pay $65 for a single meal for two.
>> >> >> It really is a no-brainer.
>> >> >
>> >> >Many here seem to have no concept of what's a good meal deal.
>> >> >I suppose I'm just too poor to understand this. oh well.
>> >> >
>> >> >For $65, I can eat quite nicely for 2 weeks.
>> >> >I like to cook and don't mind doing so.
>> >> >I also have no wish to be served/pampered for extra $$$$$$.
>> >> >I also have a decent amount of leftovers whenever I cook.
>> >> >
>> >> >It even bugs me when someone invites me out to a nice dinner.
>> >> >I can't help being annoyed at the high prices and I don't
>> >> >even have to pay. I would rather invite them to my house
>> >> >and cook the same meal for so much less.
>> >> >
>> >> >Sorry, I'm not criticizing (or at least it's not intended).
>> >> >Everyone is different and everyone is ok in their own world.
>> >> >I'm just constantly floored at how much people will pay for
>> >> >a meal. And the $65 for 2 people is actually good for a nice
>> >> >meal. The $200 or so meals for 2 really gags me. lol!
>> >>
>> >> $65 for two at a steak house is what I call a Greazy Spoon price,
>> >> they're doing the equivalent of The Sizzler. $200 is closer to the
>> >> truth for two at a real steak house.
>> >
>> >Perhaps. We never order appetizers and never have a bar tab, so
>> >$65 for two would be $32.50 per meal. Not Peter Luger's, obviously,
>> >but here in the wilds of the Midwest you can get quite a good piece
>> >of beef for that price.
>> >
>> >As I said upthread, we very rarely go out for steak or prime rib.
>> >However, if we did, we'd go he
>> >
>> ><>
>> >
>> >Prime rib is $28 for the 12-ounce cut, and includes potato, soup or salad,
>> >vegetable of the day, and bread. If I ordered a 12-ounce prime rib,
>> >I'd cut it in half when it was served to me, and take home half. It
>> >would make a delicious sandwich the next day for lunch.
>> >
>> >Cindy Hamilton
>> With how you eat out, no frills (no appetizers, no bar tab, probably
>> no dessert) why bother.
>We don't think of it as "no frills". We never drink, even
>at home. Why order alcohol in a restaurant? Restaurant
>meals are so large, that if we ate an appetizer, we would
>be uncomfortably stuffed even just sampling the rest
>of the meal.
>> To be perfectly honest you'd do much better
>> preparing a roast/steak at home, you'd eat much better for $28, and
>> give the tip to yourself. I don't consider roasting a joint of beef
>> or grilling/frying a steak any kind of cooking anyway... Neanderthals
>> used the same one ingredient cookbook but at least they offered great
>> tableside entertainment twirling the meat over an open fire on a
>> stick.
>> No frills dining defeats the whole purpose of dining out.
>Not the whole purpose. I still don't have to clean up.
>> For $28 you can have four nice rib steaks in your cave.
>And that's how we usually do it. When we go out, it's
>to get something we can't or won't get at home: ethnic
>food, deep-fried food, jet-fresh catch, etc. Our most
>frequent dinner out is at a Thai place.
You make no sense, you were discussing 6 oz rib steaks.
>If I recall correctly, the last time we went to the
>steakhouse that I linked to, we had a weeknight power
>outage at home, so we just saddled up, drove out there
>and had dinner. Soon after we came back home, the power
>came back on.
>Cindy Hamilton
You shoulda waited an hour, or ate a PB & J sandwich. You and your
cohort are definitely not rational... yoose gotta be on psychotic
drugs. Normal folks don't leave home during a power outage.
I actually don't believe you've prepared any food more complex than a
bowl of flaky wakies, you eat most of your meals out, at slimey fast
food joints, the drive-thus so no one sees your fat butts. I'd not be
surprised that your dinner tonight is an entire box of Dunkin Donuts,
yet yer ascared of a 6 oz steak or you'd need to buy larger panties. I
got news for yoose, it's not the steak, it's all those donuts and
fries yoose inhale 24/7.