My decadent Saturday Eggs Benedict
On Sunday, February 12, 2017 at 6:48:43 PM UTC-5, Bruce wrote:
> I now also keep reading that those fats are the healthiest. It's weird
> because for years they said olive oil didn't have a high enough smoke
> point for frying. But now it beats sunflower (and peanut?) oil
> healthwise. I hope they don't change the story again in 10 years.
That's the nature of science. More data comes in, and previous
conclusions are revised. Otherwise phlogiston would be the current
thinking in chemistry.
Plus, there's the effect of the popular press. Some scientist
publishes a dry paper that concludes "X may have a good effect
on health" and the press grabs it and says "X will make you
live forever!!!!!"
Cindy Hamilton