My decadent Saturday Eggs Benedict
On Sunday, February 12, 2017 at 3:48:43 PM UTC-8, Bruce wrote:
> On Sun, 12 Feb 2017 14:15:32 -0800 (PST), ImStillMags
> > wrote:
> >On Sunday, February 12, 2017 at 1:33:35 PM UTC-8, Bruce wrote:
> >> On Sun, 12 Feb 2017 13:09:27 -0800 (PST), ImStillMags
> >> > wrote:
> >>
> >> >I think you have posted your distain of a Paleo type diet in the past..
> >>
> >> Not so much disdain, but in the 70s it was the sherry diet, in the 90s
> >> Atkinson and now Paleo. When, in fact, it's probably all about
> >> moderation and variation.
> >>
> >> >You continue to fail to realize that it is named that because people
> >> >who follow that way of eating eschew chemical laden processed foods
> >> >which are the hallmark of today's way of eating.
> >>
> >> That I fully understand. The food industry produces some horrible
> >> stuff.
> >>
> >> >All people ate a paleo/primal diet before the invention of processed foods which was
> >> >not that long ago, actually.
> >> >
> >> >I adopted this way of eating to cut out all those artificial and enhanced ingredients from my foods.
> >>
> >> But Paleo also excludes "dairy products, grains, sugar, legumes,
> >> processed oils, salt, and alcohol or coffee" says Wikipedia. And
> >> that's where I think the kook factor comes in.
> >>
> >> >Doing so has made me a healthier person.
> >>
> >> I can believe that, because you excluded the processed stuff, the
> >> science projects of the food industry.
> >>
> >> >Scoff if you will but you have failed to understand the philosophy.
> >>
> >> I think most diets are largely temporary hypes until the next one
> >> comes along- not talking about people with medical conditions or food
> >> sensitivities, of course. But I think avoiding processed foods is
> >> always a good idea.
> >
> >Well what I do is not STRICT Paleo. I like Mark Sisson's Primal take on things.
> >I still have a glass of red
> >wine. I eat some full fat fermented dairy like sour cream, hard
> >cheese, I stay away from grains as much as possible because I just
> >feel better if I do.
> But grains, in moderation, aren't bad for you, unless you're gluten
> intolerant. So I don't think that should be a general rule for
> everybody.
> >And processed oils really aren't that great for
> >your health. Mostly I use ghee, butter, coconut oil, olive oil and
> >avocado oil.
> I now also keep reading that those fats are the healthiest. It's weird
> because for years they said olive oil didn't have a high enough smoke
> point for frying. But now it beats sunflower (and peanut?) oil
> healthwise. I hope they don't change the story again in 10 years.
> > I will do some legumes on a limited basis and I drink
> >>coffee. I avoid sugar.......except when I eat some 70% or higher
> >>dark chocolate.
> I hate that the food industry adds sugar to just about everything,
> also to non-sweet products.
> >I don't consider myself to be on a "diet". It's a choice of eating what
> >makes me feel better.
> That's what counts.
I don't advocate anyone do anything that I'm doing. I advocate for everyone doing what is best for their individual health. Of course you have to be willing to do your homework and research and investigate and actually do elimination trials to see how foods affect your body...your body, not everyone else's. People just want what tastes good or what they perceive to be healthy because they are advertised into believing in it.
Think for yourself. Find out the truth that is correct for your own physiology. To me that's the best way to be a healthy individual.