Looking for input/reviews on induction cooktops and relatedinductioncookware
On 2017-02-24 6:34 PM, Bruce wrote:
>> I would not normally use the oven/stove to heat the house. I have an
>> electric oven and it is much more expensive than gas. However, the
>> issue was about the heat from the oven being wasted. It may be wasted in
>> the summer when some houses are air conditioned and the AC has to work
>> extra hard to remove the heat from the cooking. That is not the case in
>> the winter here. We are already using energy to heat our houses.
>> Whatever heat is radiated from the stove or oven is that much less to be
>> produced by the furnace.
> But that inefficient heat from a device whose core business isn't to
> warm your house, is no more than a welcome side effect in winter. Not
> a reason to choose gas over electric.
I don't recall ever saying that it was.
> I'd choose the oven/stove/hub that I prefer to cook with and the
> heating device that I prefer for heating the house. Any crossover
> benefits are incidental.
Once again... it is about whether or not the heat is wasted. Around
here, it is not wasted in the winter.