Looking for input/reviews on induction cooktops and relatedinductioncookware
On 2017-02-25 10:44 AM, Cindy Hamilton wrote:
>> Vodka should be kept in the freezer and the best was to drink it is to
>> pour a small ice cold shot and knock it back.
> I'll have to take your word for it. Sheldon's way is too sweet. Your
> way is too strong. I'll add Rose's lime juice and a bunch of club
> soda.
Sorry, but I like liquor and I usually drink it straight. Vodka and
scnapps are not sipping liquors. They are meant to be knocked back in a
shot. I don't drink to get drunk so I don't hide the alcohol in
something that covers up the flavour or that cool warmth as it goes down.
There are some exceptions. While a nice gin is good straight, it mixes
very nicely with tonic. Rum is good in a Mojito, and a real Margarita
is a treat.