Dinner Tonight 2/28/2017
On Wed, 1 Mar 2017 03:22:24 -0800 (PST), Cindy Hamilton
> wrote:
>On Tuesday, February 28, 2017 at 5:23:40 PM UTC-5, Jill McQuown wrote:
>> A petite filet mignon, pan seared (medium rare) in a small cast iron
>> skillet in a bit of butter, simply seasoned with salt and pepper. Sides
>> are boiled new potatoes tossed with butter, S&P and chopped parsley.
>> Steamed fordhook lima beans.
>> What's on your menu?
>> Jill
>Fella at work keeps chickens and brings in eggs. I bought a dozen
>and tried a couple, scrambled. I have to say, they didn't seem to
>be much better than the Eggland's Best that we buy and the grocery
>store. They might have been a wee bit cheaper, but I can't recall
>what the grocery store eggs cost.
>However, my husband has been having terrible luck lately soft-boiling
>those grocery store eggs. He almost always has one explode when he
>puts it in the water. We don't know if it's because those shells
>are so thin, or because they're manhandled by the stockboys at the
>store, or perhaps a combination of both. The acid test for my
>co-worker's eggs will be when he tries soft-boiling a couple.
>Cindy Hamilton
I was in Walmart the other day picking up prescriptions and I needed
just two grocery items. One was eggs. I bought the carton of 18
Great Value extra large eggs for $1.37. I noticed as soon as I picked
them up that the carton seemed extra heavy. I checked all the eggs
for cracks as usual. The eggs themselves are huge. When I went to
crack them I had to whack them twice because the shells were so hard.
The yolk stood up like it is supposed to and the white held together.
They tasted good. I will be buying eggs at Walmart from now on or at
least until they disappoint me. I haven't gotten decent eggs from
Costco in the last year and I switched to my Winco where I was only
marginally happier. Costco's eggs have been so poor that I am going
to write to them via their site. It didn't matter which eggs I bought
from them, them were all thin shelled and watery inside (all from the
same egg people)
Janet US