Would you share a coffee grinder?
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Would you share a coffee grinder?
On 3/21/2017 5:53 AM, Janet wrote:
> In article >,
>> Subject: Would you share a coffee grinder?
>> From: Wayne Boatwright >
>> Newsgroups:
>> On Mon 20 Mar 2017 10:05:01a, jmcquown told us...
>>> [quoted text muted]
>>> Now they're they're asking for pillow cases. And baskets. For an
>>> Easter Egg hunt. Oh, BTW, please make, decorate, dye and *donate*
>>> the boiled Easter Eggs.
>>> Jill
>> These people sound like a nut case. If they are too poor, needy, or
>> lazy to provide the bsics for themselves, you don't need them in your
>> life. You don't ned them in your life.
>> I can't believe the gall.
> ??? It's a social community. People buy into those places because they
> want to be part of a community.
> Real communities share activities, resources, and support each other.
> Nothing to do with wealth or poverty.
> Janet UK
That much is true, Janet. There's this "Dataw Cares" image to maintain.
Nothing wrong with it. I do think some of the items they ask people
to lend are a bit odd.
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