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Dave Smith[_1_] Dave Smith[_1_] is offline
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Default Would you share a coffee grinder?

On 2017-03-21 8:33 AM, jmcquown wrote:
> On 3/20/2017 5:23 PM, Dave Smith wrote:
>> Frankly, I would expect better than that in a gated community. I thought
>> the gates were to keep out riffraff like that.

> It's all a part of their "Dataw Cares" image. Ask for it, someone is
> bound to loan or give you whatever. In December someone wanted to
> borrow five crock-pots to keep food warm at a party. She got 'em.
> Another person needed fondue pots. Yep, she got 'em. The problem is
> these people often forget who loaned them what.

That sounds like loaning things to my brother. He never returns
anything. My father was on my case about a sledge hammer he swore was
his. He said he had painted it that colour, which was the same colour as
a car I owned. I swore that I had bought it and that was the colour when
I bought it. Some time later I was helping my brother with an outside
job at his house and lo and behold, there was Dad's sledge hammer.

We had a very expensive baby carriage when our son was a wee one. We
loaned it to our nephew and never got it back. It seems it has been
backed over by a car. There was no offer to replace it, not that we
needed it to be replaced, though we could have sold it for a good price.

> I can understand not wanting to buy five crock pots for a party! But
> mostly it's about being cheap. As for the baby things I mentioned
> elsewhere, you'd think the parents of the grandkids would already have
> car seats, etc.

These days

> You might be surprised by the number of foreclosures here. The guy who
> does yard work for me also works full-time for the Dataw landscaping
> department. He told me he gets paid extra to keep the yards of the
> foreclosed properties looking good. He uses his own equipment and does
> it as an independent contractor.
> Jill