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Dave Smith[_1_] Dave Smith[_1_] is offline
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Default Ignore the Snobs, Drink the Cheap, Delicious Wine

On 2017-03-22 10:25 AM, notbob wrote:
> On 2017-03-22, William > wrote:
>> Mario Batali mentioned this on his tv show "The Chew".

> In what context? World's Worst Wine?
> Reminds me of a line from Bones. Some guy who sells a heavily promo'd
> crapy wine sez, "Everyone drinks blah-blah wine". To which Seeley
> replies, "Everyone drinks blah-blah wine least once."
> They usta push Riunite On Ice. Or was it Freixenet? Either way, they
> both sucked!

You gotta know it is going to be great wine when it is being promoted to
drink with ice. Freixenet ranks up there with Prosseco as a cheap
substitute for champagne, and notice that I said a cheap substitute, not
a good one. If I were ever to serve Mimosas I would be more likely to
make them with Freixenet or some other cheap sparkling white. I see no
point in using an expensive champagne to make a slightly alcoholic Orangina.