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graham[_4_] graham[_4_] is offline
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Default Ignore the Snobs, Drink the Cheap, Delicious Wine

On 2017-03-22 8:44 AM, Ed Pawlowski wrote:
> On 3/22/2017 10:34 AM, Dave Smith wrote:
>>> They usta push Riunite On Ice. Or was it Freixenet? Either way, they
>>> both sucked!

>> You gotta know it is going to be great wine when it is being promoted to
>> drink with ice. Freixenet ranks up there with Prosseco as a cheap
>> substitute for champagne, and notice that I said a cheap substitute, not
>> a good one. If I were ever to serve Mimosas I would be more likely to
>> make them with Freixenet or some other cheap sparkling white. I see no
>> point in using an expensive champagne to make a slightly alcoholic
>> Orangina.

> Riunite on ice. Nice! was the commercial.
> I don't like carbonated drinks much but my wife wanted prosecco for some
> reasonably important celebration. I could not find one priced over $12
> compared to Champagne that could go well over $100 for the good stuff.

Good champers is generally not liked that much by admass as they usually
prefer something that is off-dry.
When my sister married, my parents were advised to serve Verve Du Vernay
as the guests would prefer that to champers. They certainly did!! My
father regretted not serving champagne as most would have taken a few
sips for the toasts and the drinks bill would have been significantly lower.